That's all I feel like today. I had big plans to clean the house and instead I sat on my butt all day. Lil' man helped by having a I am going to scream out the second mom decides to get started on a project but will sleep soundly if she is doing NOTHING! AJ's party was yesterday and it was awesome. The weather was great the park wasn't too crowded and she loved being the center of attention for a whole day! I am still recooping from being outside for 5 hours but it was worth it to see my baby so happy. All the kids were.
Today I signed into my 2 internet courses and did all the work required this week, yeah. I know it will get harder but I am proud of myself for getting on there and filling out my calender with all the due dates so I could see how much work I have ahead of me. It just an anthropology and sociology class so I am not too worried. A lot of reading but at least the books are pretty interesting. I just want to finish the courses by November so when Flyboy gets home I don't have that to worry about.
I found my 2 quotes of the week and now I need to scrapbook them here they are:
Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper it doesn't fix things forever but makes them tolerable for awhile.
Cleaning the house while the kids are still at home is like shoveling the walk while it is still snowing.
~Phillis Diller
LOL! Love the quotes!
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