Rainbow Promises

04 January 2007

Way to start the new year

So yesterday I take my 4 kiddoes to the park for a playdate. Well AJ is crying not hard but you could tell she was hurt, but was walking and holding her chin so I just let her come to me. My kids have learned that I don't run to them! Well she gets over to me and her chin is split bad, not bleeding but split really bad. So the first thought I have is oh God Erik is flying and I really don't want to sit at the ER with 4 kids. Well luckily everyone offers to take a child or two. I had no food for Matty so he was stuck with me, but I had takers for Ju-Ju and Mikaela. So I head off to the ER besides the fact that there was like no one there and it took 2.5 hours to be seen it wasn't that bad!! She ended up with 3 stitches and was the bravest kid ever. The doc couldn't believe how willing she was to just lay there and she only teared up with the lydicane shot (those do sting!!). He said with a child her age it is normally 3-4 people holding them down. They told me just to keep ontiment on it but had sent her home with guase taped to it. So we took it off after dinner and she couldn't figure out why the green stuff (numbing gel) had made her grow blue hairs on her chin! It was a long day and I had trouble turning myself off after that. I know I have 4 kids and ER trips are inevidible but this is the second one in 2 months, I hope we are not setting a trend for the new year!
Other than that Christmas was great we were up in Atlanta and the kids had a blast with their cousins and Erik and I had a nice visit. It was strange since his Grandma was still in Chicago but that gave us 2 full rooms to have which was nice we didn't have to pile in one room with all the kids! We even got to see Marge. Matthew and Carli are about the same size she is maybe an 1.5 in taller but they weigh the same! Crazy, Landon is taller and whinier but all is good in their world! Hopefully we get to see them next time we are up in Atlanta since their folks only live about 20 min away!
We headed down to Seaworld. It was insanely busy, but I wanted to use our free day, we even got the person behind us to get us an extra ticket so we didn't have to pay for Kevin. We all got to ride the roller coaster and we only made it to 2 shows, but I was told that the Shamu show sucked so I wasn't too interested in it. It was just too crowded to feed the stingrays or see the shark nursery but ju-ju loved seeing the turtles, dolphins and seal/sea lions. All in all it was a good day. Erik and I fought a lot, we finally worked all that out. He is finally fitting into the rhythem which is nice, but it has been a long month. He expected everything to be as it was before he left but adding Matthew to our family along with my sleep deprivation has taken its toll on me. I am a neat freak but I cannot keep up with the house like I used to. It gets better every month, but still Matthew cannot be unattended because of Ju-Ju so it leaves me very little time to get to stuff. I think Erik is finally getting that, but he just felt I was slacking and didn't care anymore. Oh well we finally hashed that out and I have been making a little more of an effort but it is hard to keep up with 3-4 loads of laundry a day bathrooms that need to be tidied daily and sweeping and vaccumming that also needs to be done daily. Oh as well as the dishes. Oh then my kids walk into the house and it is instatrashed with their crap. Grrr... one day I will be able to clean and not worry about it for a full day!
New Years was our boring New Years we hung out and Erik and Kevin drank. Kevin got so wasted he broke my mouse into a bunch of pieces but all is good he got me the apple mouse I wanted!
Now it is just the countdown to school for everyone I start 4 online classes on Monday! Wish me luck I mastered 3 online and 1 I physically went to so we will see if I can do 4 straight up online!
My AJism of the week: Erik was making grilled cheese sandwhiches and AJ asked for a boy cheese sandwhich since she had had so many girl cheese sandwhiches. She never fails to bring a smile to my face!

17 December 2006

coming up for air

So Erik has been home a 2 weeks tomorrow and we are adjusting. Crazy how quickly it feels like they were never gone, then you get annoyed by not being alone!! The kids are crazy happy he is back.
Erik's dad came down last week and helped with putting the porcalin tile down in the kitchen and half bath. He also babysat all 4 kids so Erik and I could go to his xmas party. It was really nice to get dressed up and enjoy a night out, just wish I didn't feel so weird getting introduced to like 100 people that I won't see again until next year! Erik had a little too much fun I kinda wanted to drink but I am still nursing and had to get the kids up and ready for school anyhow. My day will come.
Mikaela was in the nutcracker at school and my friend babysat all the little ones so we could go and actually watch the performance. It was so nice having 2 nights off and Mikaela felt so special for getting some special one on one attention. My friend did decide that she will stop at 2, she has a 3 year old daughter and is trying for a second child right now. I guess 4 is overwhelming!
Other than that, Mikaela can't wait for xmas break she is at that fifth grader age. AJ is upset that Santa has to find us in Atlanta and we won't be home. Julianna is just trouble and now says sorry as soon as she gets into trouble! Matthew has decided he is not doing baby food and just takes anything off your plate and eats it. So he got a taste of a cherry pepper (we took the pepper away, but the flavor got on his hands that face was priceless). Me I am enjoying bitching at Erik and making him help with the kids and house and also getting ready for my full load of classes at school next semester!! EEK
I will try and post again, but I am sure it will be awhile again!

04 December 2006

God get me through today...

So Erik comes home tonight. So I started my day at 3am since Matthew has decided that 3 until about 530am is a GREAT playtime! Then I just vegged on the couch until 630am. Got Ju-Ju and Mikaela's lunches made. Finally get the big girls outa bed. Everyone is just about ready to go and I cannot find my van key. I call Kevin to make sure he doesn't have it. Finally make the call of just taking the coolmaro. So I was a horrible mom and AJ wasn't buckled, Ju-Ju not in a carseat and Matthew facing forward. I felt awful. Got everyone to school came home looked everywhere and even dug through the NASTY trash. Come back in and it is on the floor in the garage. GRRRRR... Now I have about 30 more min that Matthew will be napping so I need to clean the carpet on my stairs at least Ju-Ju is at school for a little while. I am just in Bitch mode these past few days. I swear I hate being this way. I think my kids think I love it, oh well. At least I have my van key back so I can get a few erronds done today and not have to be an awful mother all day.

23 November 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey day to everyone. We are in isolation due to Julianna having atypical pneumonia. I spent 2 hours at the car dealship in the morning with all my kids then off to the doc for another 2 hours where I found out that Julianna is highly contagious and I had her out in public the last 2 days. She has been running around and acting like her crazy self just had a cough on Tuesday. Well by that night it turned into coughing fits that lead to puking! Luckily I have avoided the playgroups but I did let her play at the Avenues. Luckily I have a great friend who is going to bring us our dinner so we can stay home and let the antiobiotics do their wonders! I also convinced the doc to put Matty on the antiobiotics since he has the runny nose and cough, so in attempts to prevent it getting worse. I am normally an avoid antiobiotics unless necessary but not when it comes to a baby. I would rather avoid him getting any sicker than this cold.
So we are going to avoid my grandma which kinda sucks since I really did want to see her. We will probably go down after Erik gets home which should be in 2 weeks now!! Crazy, I cannot wait!
Have a great day!

19 November 2006

nothing new

Just wanted to let Lesley know I am still alive. We are busy as always. The closer it gets to Erik being home the more insane the children are acting. Plus I hit the deployment jackpot of taking the cars to get repaired and they break them more while they have them Seriously I had the tranny worked on the coolmaro and then it ran like sh@t Kevin figured it out and now it is fine, I swear if he wasn't here I would be going completely insane. Then I took the van in to get fixed since the door wasn't working as a manual but worked as an automatic, well I picked it up and now it doesn't work at all. So supposively they had to order another part. GRRRRRRRR
On a lighter note Matthew had now found his penis so the second his diaper is off he plays with it while scratching his butt. My daily amusement!
My newest AJism would be a trip to Walmart she found some socks with Santa on them and came up to me and said "Santa says (she made her voice deep) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" Wow that kid cracks me up.
Well I guess we are going to head to Ft Meyers for Thanksgiving to see my aunt, uncle and grandma who hasn't been well. We are only staying the one night which is probably better. My aunt can kinda drive me insane, she is brain damaged so it isn't her fault. Plus 4 kids is pretty intimidating for anyone to have in their home for very long!! It just sucks since the kids are off school Wed through Monday (they have Monday off (the big ones, Julianna still has school go fig). I am going to go f#$(ing nuts having to entertain them for 5 whole days. Only because Erik will be home the following week! The next break they have Erik will be on leave for more than half of it so I won't be so insane!!
Well off to a screaming baby, always something...

14 November 2006

My 97th percentile children

So it was Julianna's 2 year well child checkup and Matthews 4 month well child. So Matthew got 3 shots and he is sore but seems to be in a pleasent mood otherwise. Well here are their stats. Julianna 35#, 35.5" and Matthew 18# 27"! So they are in the 97th percentile in everything. My big babies.
Well that is all to update for now. Just hoping the four month shots work the same as the 2 month ones and he sleeps 10 hours for me tonight!! Here's to hoping.

11 November 2006

Julianna is 2!!

So my baby is 2 today. We had a nice day, I woke up ungodly early the norm for me anymore. I got the house tidied up since Matthew has decided that mommy is the only one who can hold him anymore. Well he was fine at the party today but heaven forbid I try and get some chores done. We had a couple of friends cover so there were 15 children here total with mine. I saw a couple of friends I hadn't seen in forever and had a nice little visit, I kinda hate parties for that since you don't get to just hang out well at least when you are the hostess. Stacy bought her bounce house so the kids had fun in that and then just playing in the backyard since it was a BEAUTIFUL 75ish day here. Kevin grilled the burgers to prefection and the ice cream cake was YUMMY, chocolate therapy and chocolate chip cookie dough from Ben and Jerrys. Julianna got a baby doll, a phone, a book, a care bear, and the jackpot was a ATV power wheel from Erik and I. She tore up the backyard with that thing, running into everything and laughing hysterically about it!
Well now the day is winding down and I need to get the kids off to bed. I need to get as much rest as possible Kevin is going out of town to West Palm Beach for the week so I am going to be a single mom this whole week with no chance of being able to be rescued. I am getting used to it he has been out of town 6 of the last 8 weeks. With Julianna and Matthew being so young I truely love my brother being here. I will make it thru this week just less then 4 weeks and Erik will be home and I won't have to be alone anymore.