I hate money and it comes down to that. I am trying to teach my children money management skills. I am really good at managing money and Flyboy reconizes that he sucks so he lets me handle all of it. Managing it is one thing but it still seems like there is never enough. I am sick of that. We do put money away every month and all of our bills are paid and current but I am always in limbo for those last few days of the paycheck of will we have enough food to last without taking money out of the savings. GRRR...okay that vent out of the way.
My girls seem to be following in their father's footsteps and it irks me, but I guess I will keep trying. They get allowances Monkey gets a quarter a day (it will go up, but right now at 9 she doesn't need tons of cash laying around) and Apple Juice gets a nickel for anything she does without arguing with me. Simple enough right. Well here is Apple Juice's take on it.
Me~ Please pick up the 5 books on the floor I will give you a quarter for it.
Apple Juice~ I need a dollar.
Me~ I don't have a dollar.
Apple Juice~ One of those green coupons than.
I thought I had got the whole money concept in her head a little bit but I guess not!
Monkey does seem to get it she sits down with Flyboy and I when I revise the budget and she sees the money lay out and helps me with the Math involved. I just want her to understand the value of money and where it all goes. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing her a disservice by letting her know our financial state, but I guess I wish my parents would have done it with me. In the same hand if she has a dollar on her it is spent as soon as she can get to the store, I guess that is the age.
Oh well they are only 9 and 4 and they have a long time before I really have to worry about it, but still.