Rainbow Promises

29 September 2005

Happy Birthday FLYBOY

Okay that is all I wanted to write I am off to get some much needed sleep, but I think he had a decent day and tomorrow we get a kid free night which we haven't had in a couple of months so it is much needed!! I just feel bad cause then I have Bunco so I am having a kid-ditch weekend!! Oh well for all the times I am a single mom I deserve it, right?

27 September 2005

House Haunting

I figured I make Blue laugh with that one. So I have just been researching on my own and I found a brand new construction for 133,000 I was so excited so I called the guy and of course they closed on the last one LAST WEEK!! GRRR... it was awesome in Westside a straight shot to the base and everything. It was going to be too small for us but hey for a brand new house I would have made it work. So the guy told me he would search for me and send me an email every night of stuff that comes on the market in the under 135,000. With the hurricanes he said we will not find new for under 150,000. So maybe our second house. Flyboy also contacted a realtor last night so now I guess we have two working for us, I feel like I am cheating on Flyboy's since I hired mine after. Although Flyboy's only sent me 4 houses and one was a townhome in Purple's complex (that wouldn't be bad but I cannot separate from my doggies!!). Nothing looks that appealing and I know nothing will because what we want is out of our range, but anything will be better than the projects I live in!! At least if it is mine I can make it look better, right. Part of me wants to throw in the towel but I know better since we will be here hopefully for the next 15 years until Erik is done with the Navy (even if we are here for 5 years maybe we can make a little equity) and I am not going to live in housing FOREVER!! It is like living in the college dorms and it is most definately time to grow up and be responsible for my bills and stuff. Also the neighbors are getting ghetto! That always happens the neighborhood is decent than it gets scary after Flyboy and I have lived there awhile. I hope that is not the trend when we move out!! The more ghetto the neighbors the more they get into your business. I am a snotty b#tch because I go to school and keep to myself and don't get in drunken fights on the weekend. I swear the people here are stupid. I have made wonderful friends also but I am done with the looks and attitude and stupid housing people putting notes on my door because I have 2 weeds in my flower bed!! (Now I just leave the dogs out and Red chases them away!!)
Okay there is my vent and we probably won't move until Nov/ Dec time frame so I am sure there is more where that came from!!
On another note Chubs is climbing now and thinks she is all that when she gets on the couch and stands up which 9 times out of 10 means she is going to fall!! I am in trouble 10.5 months and already climbing!! She is on my poop list because she decided she did not need to sleep last night which meant mommy couldn't sleep, so I am running on about five hours sleep and I cannot have caffine so I am dragging which means I am probably rambling so I am going to go now.

21 September 2005

What a day

So today started out slow but okay. I am starting to feel the effects of too much sh#t on ones plate syndrome. I am pretty much caught up in my classes and my house isn't ready for the royal party but I wouldn't be embrassed to have people over, so that is good! The girls are great. Monkey is finally caught up in her book reports, otherwise she has a 97% or better in all of her subjects. She has read about 15 books since school started she is just too lazy to write the book reports, but finally we got 4 done yesterday so she has 7 turned in she has to get 25 for the year, not too much. Apple Juice doesn't seem to be getting school, but I can tell she is going to be my child that I will be happy to see get C's, she still isn't reconizing letters and numbers but we will keep working on it. Chubs is getting big, she now can open things and loves getting into things, she thinks she is hilarious when I catch her. Also everything is "DADA". Flyboy has had a rough week of the 5AM flights everyday which means he gets up at 3:45AM, yesterday his flight was cut short because there was a fire of unknown origin (which apparently is not a big dea!!l) and today he is still not home 12 hours after leaving the house because they diverted him over to Cecil because of the crash here. I know it will be a rough night for him. He lost 4 friends last year in an S-3 (the same type of plane that went down today) from his old command. One of the guys he was really close with and they would get hotels together, his oldest daughter had the same name as our oldest and his wife and I were due about 3 weeks apart with our youngest, she lost her baby after he passed away all a very sad story. It was very sad and hard for him especially since he was on his deployment at the time and we couldn't really talk about it.
Now I am just trying to wrap my head around today and get all the d#mn calculus out of my head I do not have to think about again until Monday. I think I passed I will post my grade later!! I think I am going to go crack open me a mudslide and watch some Tivo in my jammies! It is just one of those nights!
Have a good one!

14 September 2005

Hello Dickhead

So today after a family counseling appointment that Flyboy actually attended and proved how dysfunctional we really are :) We stopped at a friends house only to find out that they got the orders they wanted for San Diego (they have been fighting for them for 7 months), he has to go to Iraq for 3.5 months but hey they got coast to coast orders which the Navy has put a hold on, they are already out of money and the new year starts October 1 (they are out of money supposively because they went over budget this year) and their orders are to be there by October 9. They were in San Diego for 20 years and were forced into JAX orders so they wanted to get back they are from Cali. We are excited but they are the first people we met here and it is always sad to see a family move, especially with only a few weeks notice. Well anyhow we had stopped to see if they wanted to go to dinner, we stayed talking way to long so they opted to stay home. We decided it was late so we better just grab something quick (I am not a huge fan of fast food being dinner). We went to Arby's because I had coupons.

We are ordering our food and the guy from the drive thru steps into view, he has the Arby symbol on his head as a hat and Apple Juice says hey you look like you have a "peanuts" on your head (this is how she pronounces penis). I try so hard to not laugh and pull her away from the employees. I tell her that potty language is not okay, she looks a little confused but apologizes. Either way Flyboy does not believe me that that is how she pronounces penis. So I prove it to him. So he looks at me and says, "So she called him a Dickhead!?!" I laughed for so long. So now neither of us will look at the Arby's sign the same way!! Aren't kids great.
(By the way the only penis we think she has seen has been one of the little boys getting their diapers changed here, I don't want people thinking that we let her watch Porn or something!!)

11 September 2005


Found the shoe!! and I wrote 3 of the 4 papers last night. Hopefully it is a good Sunday.
My baby is 10 months today!! Geez where'd those 10 months go!

10 September 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah

So I should be writing one of the four papers I have due this week, but blogging sounded more fun!! :) I just spent an hour looking for Chubs new shoe. I just bought them yesterday and we already lost one. My house is not that big so I am really frustrated. I am sure once I get another pair we will find it. It's Apple Juice's fault, not to point fingers but it is. She took them off of her in the car and then we couldn't find it. I know it has to be somewhere's in the house. I actually cleaned my van today, I think I could've carpeted the house with all the raisins I found, EWWWWWW!!
Well Flyboy is supposed to be home tomorrow, maybe I will get my focus back, no doubt it! This is bad I am only a few weeks into school. I want to do it, but I just don't even feel like cleaning my house (that is weird for me) I am a neat freak. I have just been feeling "weird" I guess. I wish my cycle would come back it really helps me to understand my ups and downs if I have physical evidence of what the h#ll is going on. I did not get it back until 2 weeks after I weaned Apple Juice and she was 18 months. I think Chubs will wean herself earlier, she is not as attached as Apple Juice was, I just want her to make it 2 more months. She really is not all that much of a baby any more. She is walking all over now (hence the d#mn shoes) and loves to take all the books off the shelf and empty trash cans and toy boxes. She is just sooo busy, like Monkey was. I need to get a schedule so I keep her busy so she takes a good nap for me, so I can get more things done while the girls are at school.
Well I better go write at least one of these papers and then get a little sleep.

09 September 2005


I hate money and it comes down to that. I am trying to teach my children money management skills. I am really good at managing money and Flyboy reconizes that he sucks so he lets me handle all of it. Managing it is one thing but it still seems like there is never enough. I am sick of that. We do put money away every month and all of our bills are paid and current but I am always in limbo for those last few days of the paycheck of will we have enough food to last without taking money out of the savings. GRRR...okay that vent out of the way.
My girls seem to be following in their father's footsteps and it irks me, but I guess I will keep trying. They get allowances Monkey gets a quarter a day (it will go up, but right now at 9 she doesn't need tons of cash laying around) and Apple Juice gets a nickel for anything she does without arguing with me. Simple enough right. Well here is Apple Juice's take on it.

Me~ Please pick up the 5 books on the floor I will give you a quarter for it.
Apple Juice~ I need a dollar.
Me~ I don't have a dollar.
Apple Juice~ One of those green coupons than.

I thought I had got the whole money concept in her head a little bit but I guess not!
Monkey does seem to get it she sits down with Flyboy and I when I revise the budget and she sees the money lay out and helps me with the Math involved. I just want her to understand the value of money and where it all goes. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing her a disservice by letting her know our financial state, but I guess I wish my parents would have done it with me. In the same hand if she has a dollar on her it is spent as soon as she can get to the store, I guess that is the age.
Oh well they are only 9 and 4 and they have a long time before I really have to worry about it, but still.

07 September 2005

I really hate this

Okay I hate complaining. But I am right now to who ever feels like reading this. I am well aware I am a Navy wife, I knew what this was about before I married Flyboy, but this is the second time in our marriage that I get less than 24 hours notice before he leaves for a week. Yes tomorrow he flies out of here to avoid the possible hurricane. So in other words he will get to go party in Washington State while I am here with the kids alone again. I have wonderful friends who are willing to watch my girls so I can still go to work on Saturday but without them I would be screwed. I hate this. I know it is only 5 days actually and we have gone 10 months, but if the storm was to hit us and I had to evacuate I would have to go alone AGAIN. GRRR... Sometimes I hate the navy.
Okay I am over that, now I need to head to bed, I have been up at 4 am the last 3 days and then not getting to be until 11pm and it is slowly catching up with me. I have been trying to get as far ahead in my on-line classes as I can so I can just be done. Last time I took an on-line class I finished it 4 weeks before I was supposed to. The only thing I really have holding me up is the 36 hours of observing that I have to do in a classroom, the hours have to be done by November 8 and I am kinda stressing out about that. I can do it though.
Once again I am heading to bed.