Rainbow Promises

19 October 2006

I am done!!

So I went in and got my essure finished today it took like 5 min! I got to watch them place the coil in my tube, that was pretty cool. The nurses couldn't believe I did it without being put under. It really wasn't a big deal. I cramped pretty bad right afterwards but now I feel great. Supermom was awesome and took my 2 babies!! Matthew was great for her and took a bottle no problems! Nice to know if I need to be gone he won't starve himself!
I got the van back it is so pretty, so worth my money and time, not. Oh well it is done and life lesson learned can't do anything about it now. I really didn't like the Uplander, sucks that they don't make the Venture any more. Oh well.
The kids are okay Mikaela has been a pain in the ass, but we are working on that I love counseling. AJ is doing great with school. Julianna is almost completely potty trained and being 2. Matthew is huge nothing new.
I am over Kevin's drinking and ready to kick him out. He was doing so well and now seems to get wasted every weekend. I dunno I am ready to tell him to buy a ticket to Michigan and have a nice life. I am over Erik's spending habits. So I guess I just need to get away. grrr

04 October 2006

I am an idoit...

Now it is going to bite me in the ass. So when Kare-bear was here I got hit in St Johns parking lot. We had just left the beach, Matthew had been screaming for about 15 min at this point and Wyatt was sanding and uncomfortable. Not to mention I had about 45 min before I had to pick up Julianna or get charged. I was about 30 min away being on the other side of town. So it was 2 teenage girls who had 'borrowed' their friends car. They did not have proof of registration or insurence nor persion to drive the car from the other girls parents, who owned the car. So I knew if we called the police it was going to be a long couple of hours trying to get a hold of the owner of the car and there was a chance that the damage wouldn't be covered anyhow since the girls are not insured. So I just panicked (added to by my screaming baby that was not be consoled no matter what I tried) we were not hurt they backed into us at like 2 mph it just dented the hell out of my door. Our deductible is really low so I told the girl to just pay me that and I we would be even. Well she gave me her number and her phone is turned off and she hasn't tried to contact me. Erik is pissed off at me as well as I am at myself I knew better. I went into Mom mode which is on overdrive since I am essentially a single parent. If Erik was here I would've called him he could've gotten Julianna and would've talked me into calling the cops. Oh well what can I do, I do not want to admit that we are just out that money especially when we are potentially facing some hard times since the Navy might take money back that they felt they over paid us, we are fighting it but if they take it I am just hoping they do it over a couple of months and not all at once. What really sucks about all of this is we got our bonus and I was going to take the girls to Disneyworld and get Julianna a new carseat but now with the money I have to spend on the stupid van I don't think I can do both. Which sucks but I can hold out on the carseat Julianna is just approching the 40lb mark so I need to get her a seat with a higher weight limit. She is 34lbs but averages a .5-1 lb a month or so.
I also have become my brother Tommy's best friend he/she lives in New Hampshire. He has decided that he is a transgender and will be Susan from now on. I haven't talked to her seriously in about 10 yrs and I am just baffeled by all of it. I get it kinda but yesterday she got upset that I called her Tommy sorry 26 yrs of conditioning doesn't just end in a month oh well. I love him/her anyway and am happy for her, but it is just weird.
Alright now back to the task on hand getting 4 kids ready to get the 2 big ones off to school...