Rainbow Promises

29 August 2006

So I am half done

Not exactly what I wanted to hear after my procedure. I went in only getting a local which was fine. I was a little nervous since they warned me the local was like getting a bee sting on your cervex it actually was not that bad. He had the microinsert placed on the right side really quick but then had troubles with the left. The local started wearing off a little and it got painful quickly so I asked the ansisiologist to make me forget which he gave me some thing so I was consciously sedated (which I could have had from the beginning but I wanted to be awake). The doc finally gave up but feels that he only had troubles placing it in my left tube because I was so recently pregnant also my lining was thicker than he thought it would be. So we will try again in a month and he will give me a shot of depo which will thin out my lining. I am hoping this works and I am glad my doc didn't just do the tubal, he really thinks we can place it and didn't see the point of cutting me when we can try again. I told Flyboy he is getting the boys snipped if I can't have it placed which is fine with. I only opted to have the tubal if they couldn't place them because he is here and could've helped me get back on my feet. I was out of the hospital 45 min after having the procedure done and felt a little off from the sedation meds and crampy for obvious reasons but I otherwise felt great yesterday, so I am not scared to go again. It was just nice that Flyboy was here to take care of the kids so I could just have bro K drop me off and we didn't have to get 4 kids out the door at 545am! I am hoping to have it done on a Friday when Bro K doesn't have to work next time so I can just take myself and I will have him take care of the kiddoes.
So my rant from yesterday Flyboy dropped the big girls off at school and had 30 min to get Chubs to school so he went to Starbucks. Well the lady at Starbucks was so impressed that he had the almost 2 y o and the 7 week old that she gave him his coffee for free. WTF I have the kids BY MYSELF with him DEPLOYED and I get NOTHING!! Grrr good thing I don't drink coffee otherwise I would be boycotting that starbucks :o)

26 August 2006

Nice surprises

So I woke up on the wrong side of the world mainly due to waking up at 3am to lil' man and Red crying. Lil' man needed to eat and Red needed to go potty, damn dogs. I came down to find Bro K past out on the couch and Monkey on the 'puter. Hello it is 3am and she seriously looked at me and asked why I said she needed to go to bed! So then I was just up. I couldn't get back to sleep until 5am, so 730am when Chubs desided to attack lil' man came WAY too early. I managed to get another 30 min but I was on a rampage at 8am when I came downstairs. Well Flyboy calls and askes me to go on the 'puter (free and it is a webcam). The kids were screaming Lil' man needed a diaper change and Chubs had decorated the bathroom in poo for the second time that morning (I hate that she wants to potty train herself, okay it wouldn't be that bad but she doesn't ask for help and it is just gross!) the big ones were fighting over nothing. I got on the 'puter but pretty much told him I was trying to clean the bathroom/ Chubs and change a diaper. Well I finally got it quiet for about 2 min and he told me he was getting on a plane home and I had to come get him in a couple hours so do not go out! My mood has slowly gotten better but I am still considering going out tonight without any kids and leaving him here! I know I wont but tomorrow I am getting out of here kidless!
Well I am off to try and take a nap so I can stay up a little tonight and enjoy my whole few days with my hubby. AJ is sick with a fever so i am going to cuddle with her while Monkey is playing with Chubs and lil' man is sleeping. At least Flyboy will be here on Monday when I get neutered!! He has to work but he should be able to pick me up I should only be there for 4 hours since it isn't surgery and they are not even going to sedate me. Whoohoo I will be happy to know I am done done and not have to be scared of any more oops, since I have 3 already!! Chubs was the only planned one.

21 August 2006


That's all I feel like today. I had big plans to clean the house and instead I sat on my butt all day. Lil' man helped by having a I am going to scream out the second mom decides to get started on a project but will sleep soundly if she is doing NOTHING! AJ's party was yesterday and it was awesome. The weather was great the park wasn't too crowded and she loved being the center of attention for a whole day! I am still recooping from being outside for 5 hours but it was worth it to see my baby so happy. All the kids were.
Today I signed into my 2 internet courses and did all the work required this week, yeah. I know it will get harder but I am proud of myself for getting on there and filling out my calender with all the due dates so I could see how much work I have ahead of me. It just an anthropology and sociology class so I am not too worried. A lot of reading but at least the books are pretty interesting. I just want to finish the courses by November so when Flyboy gets home I don't have that to worry about.

I found my 2 quotes of the week and now I need to scrapbook them here they are:
Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper it doesn't fix things forever but makes them tolerable for awhile.


Cleaning the house while the kids are still at home is like shoveling the walk while it is still snowing.
~Phillis Diller

16 August 2006

My babies are getting so big...

So with my two big babies turning 10 and 5 this month I was already sad, but Chubs had her school physical today. She is going once a week starting in 2 weeks (well probably 4 because I am getting my neutering procedure done what would have been her first day, then the next week is Labor day!) Well anyhow Chubs is now 35.5" and 33 lbs. Wow she is huge! Well I put lil' man on the scale just to see he is 12.5 lbs!! He will be 6 weeks on Friday that means he has been putting on a pound a week. Geez! He is already balancing his head and throwing his weight. He also can get off his tummy I wouldn't call it a roll but he can get to his side. So sad no more newborns for me, oh Lord knows I don't need anymore I want a full nights sleep and a shower alone. It is just sad that Flyboy is only getting to experience all these changes through me. I know this is part of the Navy life and I accept that but there are going to be so many more changes in between now and December. Luckily his next deployment they will be older and the changes won't be so drastic, just a little harder for the kids since they understand a little more. Monkey is finally at the age where she can email and really talk to him and not feel so left behind but AJ is really sad. She finally is asking me to call him or goes on the puter and types nonsense to him. She really doesn't get it though. Chubs will have her days where she looks for him and I will tell her he is at work and she gives me that your crazy look! Well he will be home in a few weeks for 16 hours which I think will tear the kids up but he wants to see them. I asked him to not come home but I cannot tell him he cannot see his kids even though one day is going to mean a whole week of readjusting for me. Oh well... off to chase kids seeing as they bored and I spaced on getting homework done!!

13 August 2006

It's 530am do you know where your children are?

So genius me tells Monkey we will have a sleep over for her bday which was on Monday. So I tell her to invite 5 girls only 3 are able to come so I am thinking I am bank! NO WAY. First off they get in the pool and AJ (who was supposed to be somewhere else but those plans got canceled) calls one of Monkey's friends fat. So I have a crying girl that I have to calm down and explain that AJ doesn't realize that it is mean to say things like that. So I ask AJ later (out of the girls earshot) why she told her she was fat and AJ said well cause she is. Oh man that little girl is going to get her ass kicked one day. So minor crisis over. Then Bro K shows up with pizza so we get all the kids settled with pizza and root beer. Then the girls go back in the pool life is good for a little bit. They come in and get dressed so we can do cake and presents. Monkey got a littlest pet shop game so the girls decide to go play it. Well the girl that AJ called fat gets all weird and doesn't want to play and convinces Monkey to go in another room and lock the other girls out so then it takes me about an hour to get all the girls getting along again, meanwhile I am trying to get Chubs and Lil'man to bed. Finally everyone is watching tv and I even get AJ to bed. So then it is snack time. Around 11pm I couldn't keep my eyes open and kept falling asleep on the couch Bro K was still up and the girls wanted to watch another show. So I told them fine watch it and then head to bed, one of the girls was already passed out. So I get up at 1230 to feed lil' man and the girls are playing so I go in there and tell them to knock it off it is time to sleep, they had woke up the one sleeping girl. They got quiet so I fell asleep. Lil' man slept until 5am which he never does that long of a stretch well he gets up and the girls are STILL UP. They trashed my upstairs, got out all the polly pockets and threw them everywhere stuff animals everywhere and clothes. Plus Chocolate Milk (which food is not allowed upstairs and that rule was stated last night). They were yelling and singing. Oh not a happy momma. So I bust in there make them clean up the hallway and stairs and get in bed and then sit in front of the door feeding lil' man for 25 min. Oh I could've killed them. I know it is my fault for falling asleep but I couldn't believe that they didn't go to sleep at 1230. One of the girls has never been here for the night before but the other 2 have been here and have NEVER given me problems with listening or anything. Oh I feel a little bad seeing as I know they will be horrible today but pretty much whenever they roll out of bed I will make breakfast and have them call their parents. Monkey had so much fun and I remember staying up all night when I was in fifth grade, but we did not trash the house. Oh well Monkey's best friend said well I guess we will have to clean this room when we get up. I got 4 hours of undisturbed sleep somehow I slept through them trashing the house. I swear I don't know how I did that, I guess because Chubs and AJ were in my bed with me an lil' man was in his bassinet and I knew the big girls were going to be getting in trouble anyhow.

Since is has been awhile AJ started her first week of kindergarten this week and is doing great. The girls are fighting more now but I think it is just the change in routine or just having a routine in general. Chubs starts in 2 weeks I cannot wait since that means I will be in my 2 on line classes I am ready to be doing schoolwork again, yes I am a freak. Lil' man is a month and is so big he is already making noises and getting nosy about what the girls are up to. He really is a very mellow well natured baby. He doesn't like to burp or fart so that is the fussiest you will see him.
We will have visitors soon. Flyboys dad should be here in a couple of weeks when Flyboy is stopping here for a couple hours before going over. Then my friend Kare-bear from Michigan is coming down in a month and I cannot wait to play with her son who will be 7 mo. when they come. They will only be here 3 days but it will be nice to visit and Chubs will have school so I can have a baby day with her!
So theres the update to the end of my summer now if it would cool down from the damn 100 days I would be a little happier.