Rainbow Promises

11 December 2005


So I just found out that the playgroup party is cancelled so I went and told Flyboy and he said, "I am bummed." I said, "really?" (He never seemed excited about it) He said, "Sure, I was looking forward to the free food!!"
Ahh.. Men!

Well nothing really to update about here. The house was appraised for what is needed to be and then the VA got a hold of it and said there was no way there was a house worth that much in the neighborhood. Most of the homes in our neighborhood are duplexes and only about 1000 sq ft. Our house is 1500 sq ft detatched 2 story home. So we will know on Monday if the VA will allow the appraisal to stay! Grrr... I feel bad for the buyers we were trying to close quick so they could move back to Ft Lauderdale before xmas. We still haven't decorated for the holidays because we are not sure when we will be moving. I want to just give up, but I am done with living in housing. I like enough here but it is frustrating to know I can afford to have my own house for what I am forfeiting to live here!

Well I am off to spend the day with Monkey she is definately in need of some one on one attention. Yesterday she disappeared for almost 2 hours, pretty normal we live on base so we let her go ride her bike with her friends. Well she gets brought home by one of her friend's moms. She is wet to her armpits. Apparently her and her friend thought it would be a good idea to go wading (to their armpits) in the St. Johns river!! This was in the long grass area where I have seen water moccasins and I am sure gators live in there too, she laughed when we told her that. She has the responsibility sheets to fill out when she misbehaves and they ask what you did, why you are in trouble, etc... well one of the questions is what do you want to do and she wrote do it again but not get caught!! Oh lordy I don't know what to do with that child. I was at work and Flyboy was really hungover so he really wasn't watching the kids when it happened! I am hoping some time with just mom will help, she is such a different kid without the other ones around. I don't think she was ready to give up only child status! I feel bad because she and I hardly ever get to hang out any more! I worked and went to school until she was almost 5, just before I had Apple Juice, I always feel bad that I didn't get to be the stay-at-home mom to just her. I hate that I was a kid when I had her and she has had to watch me grow up. Hopefully I didn't screw her up too much. I guess time will tell.


At 10:21 AM, Blogger Mary said...

Hahhaaha how funny!! Tell Flyboy not to worry, it's just been set to a new date! :D

How odd about the appraisal, hopefully the VA will give you what the land appraisers obviously think it's valued at. I know you must be really frustrated and moreso the kids not seeing all of the holiday decor! If you need help moving or watching the girls while you move let me know! Princess loves playing with Monkey and Apple Juice!

And Monkey is at that age...I don't quite understand it either. I think we all went thru that phase in our pre-teens. At least she is okay and nothing bad happened to her. She probably did have a lot of fun being mischevious!

At 1:08 PM, Blogger water said...

Thanks Java I am moving like 5 min closer to you. Monkey thinks the world of you and I know she is a normal kid, but sometimes I just don't know...

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Blue said...

I woulda flipped out! I'm such a worrier and so overprotective. I don't go in water that I can't see through. She likes scrapbooking, right? You should start bringing her to the crops. I'm sure she'd like getting to go to grown-up things like that with you.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Mary said...

That would be good idea Blue! We could get Di to bring Sugar since she likes to crop too, they are close to the same age!

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Blue said...

And Scrappin Mama can bring her daughter. We could have a teen/pre-teen table of scrappers at all of our crops! :)


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