Rainbow Promises

02 April 2006

Wow time flies...

when your house is trashed and you can't stay awake past 8:45pm!! So I spent the week getting the house back together it is finally done so I can go back to my normal routine. I needed to do the deep cleaning since we just finally turned on the air. Mine and the girls allergies are horrible and we should have turned the air on sooner, but I so prefer fresh air. It just meant cleaning that 2" layer of pollen from everything in the house!
Monkey had a great counseling appointment this week I love that she has someone who understands her. She was in a funky mood and it is from some of the books that I have taken away from her and she has grabbed them and read them anyway, that whole it must be super cool if mom doesn't want me to read it thing! Hopefully that is stopped since Ira told her that it was the cause of her bad dreams which is leading to poor sleep, which means bad days. By Friday she seemed to be a different kid we will see how long this lasts!
Apple Juice cannot wait for her preschool graduation in a month and right after that we head up to Michigan so she can be the flower girl in my sisters wedding. She thought my trip up to Michigan was to go to the wedding so when I got back and we were talking about it she looked at me and said their getting married again for me?! That kid cracks me up!
Chubs is driving me crazy she is becoming such a climber which I can deal with, but she is getting mean. She is going through a hit everyone phase. I bsat for Supermom's boys and seriously they spent the morning on me to stay away from Chubs. Eventually she found other stuff to do but she has been hitting her sisters and Flyboy and I. She even said NO and hit some strange lady who was just walking by, fortuately the lady didn't notice but I am so done with it. Then when you scold her about it she gives you an evil look. I just don't know how to get through to her that it is not okay. I guess it is only because the older two are being good I can't get a break and have 3 outa 3, oh man I am going to die with 4!!
Off to figure out what to do with my Sunday, I need to go shopping but I have no desire to go it is sad really how little desire I have to do anything but lay on the couch!! Yesterday we went to the zoo, it was too hot and the kids were all cranky by the time we left but it was nice to go out. Maybe I will brave the beach today, Apple Juice keeps begging me to go and the dogs would love to go swim! We will see I am sure Flyboy wants to do stuff around the house and I don't want to go by myself.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Mary said...

I love the fresh air too, but I agree the pollen has been bad this year!!

Chubs is becoming quite the character, isn't she?!! lol
You're a great mom, you will do just fine with 4!

Hope you had a great weekend!


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